-- powered by TRISOFT

Everyone, united

Demo (by UniteBot) is a platform suitable for extensive communication through multiple channels like Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram, Slack, WhatsApp, Email and SMS.

Let's connect

UniteBot - Everyone, united
UniteBot - Connect with me

How it works

By subscribing to Demo (by UniteBot) through Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram, Slack, WhatsApp, Email or SMS, you are connected under one voice with a moderator who can send you all messages instantly.

The communication is two-way, so you can also send messages to the moderator via the channel bot.


  • How do I subscribe or re-subscribe to Demo (by UniteBot)?

    All you have to do is write start and hit Enter and Demo (by UniteBot) will start sending you notifications.

  • How do I unsubscribe from Demo (by UniteBot)?

    All you have to do is write stop and hit Enter and Demo (by UniteBot) will stop sending you notifications.